A workplace assessment is something that most people have, in general, no idea of. Although this is a potentially
important thing to know about, as it can prevent injuries and pathological postures from forming, people tend not
to spend too much time on these issues, and regard them as a luxury. This is why ignorance on the topic of
physio medicine, bones, chiropractors is so wide spread. And if these topics become ignored, then work place
assessment, a step which precludes the above mentioned is all but unknown.
Workplace assessments and workstation assessments serve the function of preventative medicine. Usually,
people who already experienced some sort of pain or injury from repetitive motions, such as a hand, foot or back
injury are the ones who go to a physical therapist, and hear about how their workstation needs to be looked at.
Some people are lucky enough to understand that once something starts to hurt from a repetitive motion injury,
the best option is to go and immediately consult with someone, and when they do, their physical therapist or
masseuse will tell them that their work is causing the pain. Many of us feel that this pain is inevitable, and comes
with the job, but most of us are simply wrong. Most repetitive motion injuries can be prevented or minimized. And
even if it will become inevitable, you may still find benefits in handling or minimizing this pain.
If you have a blue collar job where you are at the same place each day (i.e: if you have a workstation), then you
may need this, if you are experiencing pains and aches from repetitive motions, or if anyone who has been
working the same workstation or job has developed aches or pains or injuries. f you have a desk job, then you
definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, need this service. Desks are unnatural for the human posture and you will
experience back pains, aches, carpal tunnel syndrome, and a host of other problems, and ultimately you may
have deformed skeletal structures from working in a setting that is not ergonomic.