A workplace assessment is something that most people have, in general, no idea of. Although this is a potentially
important thing to know about, as it can prevent injuries and pathological postures from forming, people tend not
to spend too much time on these issues, and regard them as a luxury. This is why ignorance on the topic of
physio medicine, bones, chiropractors is so wide spread. And if these topics become ignored, then work place
assessment, a step which precludes the above mentioned is all but unknown.
The problem is that most people have a bad way of looking at their health. Health is seen as just another
commodity, something to be bought when needed. In other words, we eat what we want, behave the way we
want, do what we need to make dough so that we do not starve, and then when problems arise we go to the
doctor who gives us some kind of solution, and this way we spend a bunch of money on gear or medication or
what have you, and once we feel better, we go back doing the things that made us sick in the first place. Kinda
dumb, don’t you think?
The problem is most people feel trapped; they must work to live, working causes problems, thus they need to be
fixed, and they feel stuck in this stupid cycle unable to beat it or escape from it. In reality, minor changes to your
workstation can help prevent your getting sick, so although the service may cost money, living healthy is cheaper
in the long run. The truth is that modern medicine is kind of a fraud, and pharmaceutical companies benefit from
your being sick. This is why physio medicine, massage and other forms of medicine that target not a specific
problem but instead the precursors to the problems that you experience are targeted as holistic or alternative,
when in reality, they are just as valid as any other form of medicine.
Workplace Assessment (treatments/workstation-assassment.html)
A workplace assessment is when a physical therapist comes into your work place, and checks out what sort of
conditions you work under. Then, given the situation as it is, the therapist will try to make things better, and give
you advice on what to do and what not to do, and how to alter what aspects of your workstation or desk to make
it so that the problems you are experiencing, like back pain (), muscle tensions and the rest do not start, or if
started, do not return after treatment has been administered.