Hot summer weather provides opportunities for kids to enjoy the outdoors. But we should take steps to keep
them safe and healthy, both indoors and outdoors.
Pools are awesome! What could be better than a dip in the pool and fun in the sun? But it is important to
remember that a pool’s sides and bottom are usually made of concrete, a rock-hard material. A slip or fall could
be painful and dangerous. But it is undeniable that swimming and other water activities are excellent ways to get
the physical activity and health benefits needed for a healthy life. It is important to be aware of ways to prevent
recreational water illnesses, sunburn, and drowning.
We all share the water we swim in, and we each play an essential role in helping to protect ourselves, our families,
and our friends from recreational water illnesses that can be caused by germs spread by swallowing, breathing in
mists or aerosols of, or having contact with contaminated water.
Accidents can happen when entering and leaving the pool, slipping on the side, bobbing under water at the edge
and jumping backwards. Take precautions by not allowing any running around the pool, and try not to use glass
cups and bottles outside.
Water parks are always an exciting experience for youngsters, but it is important to make sure they know the
rules and follow them. Water slide restrictions are also very important and should always be followed. These
restrictions are based on applied physics, so to ignore them is to put your children’s safety in jeopardy. For water
sliding to be a safe activity, children must be the proper height and weight, and they must go down the slide
using the specified body position.
Our wonderful coastline, lakes and river systems make water-based activities extremely popular. Water sports,
swimming and water play are part of our way of life.
Swimming risks increase in rivers and lakes where water is cold and swift, making swimmers tire more quickly.
Precautions include wearing a life jacket, swimming with a buddy and knowing your limits. It is always best to
swim on a life-guarded beach in areas approved for swimming. Of course, young children should not be left
alone, even for a moment, near pools or other bodies of water.
River accidents usually occur when someone falls into an unexpectedly swollen and fast-moving body of water
after a heavy rainfall. Pay attention to water levels and do not allow kids to play near a river after a rainstorm.
Teaching your children about currents is also important if they go swimming or play around rivers or oceans.
Life jackets are not only for babies; they are made for all ages and are a wise choice for youngsters and weak
swimmers. Vests are more kid-friendly than the jackets because they are thinner and thus easier to move in, and
they come in lots of fun colours.
The ocean is a strong and unpredictable force, so children should be monitored extremely carefully if they decide
to venture out into the waves. Ask the lifeguard about the water conditions and where the safest area is to swim.
Similar to lake swimming, make sure kids always swim with a buddy in the ocean. Ask them to swim parallel to
the shore, and ensure they wear a personal flotation device if they are not strong swimmers. Better yet, swim with
your children to keep an even closer eye on them.
Swimming is a lot of fun, but drowning is a real danger. Even kids who know how to swim can drown. Statistics
show that most drowning victims are children under four years of age in backyard pools, and two thirds of those
incidents happened when adults were not around. Unfortunately, small children can drown quietly, in mere
seconds, and in only an inch of water. This is why children need constant supervision from a responsible adult.
Always stay within sight and reach of your children at all times when they are in or around the water.
Now that you are thoroughly informed, enjoy a summer of safe splashing with your kids!