Did you know that pelvic floor exercises can help improve your overall physical health? They are important for strengthening the muscles in the pelvic region and can help alleviate pain, discomfort, and even urinary incontinence. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced exerciser, pelvic floor exercises can be done anywhere and anytime. Let’s take a look at how to do pelvic floor exercises.
The first step in doing pelvic floor exercises is identifying the muscle group. The pelvic floor is made up of several layers of muscles that stretch from the pubic bone to the tailbone. To identify this muscle group, imagine that you are trying to stop yourself from urinating or passing gas—those are the muscles you want to target when doing pelvic floor exercises.
If you want additional feedback while performing these exercises, you can use vaginal weights or cones to provide resistance and help identify which muscle group is being targeted.
Kegel exercises are a popular type of exercise used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. To perform a Kegel exercise, start by lying down on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Then contract your pelvic floor muscles as if stopping yourself from urinating or passing gas. Hold this contraction for five seconds, then relax for five seconds before repeating 10-15 times per set. You should aim to do three sets of 10-15 repetitions each day for maximum results.
Bridging exercises are another great way to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and core stability at the same time! Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground; then slowly raise your hips off the ground until they form a straight line between your shoulders and ankles. Hold this position for five seconds before slowly lowering back down and repeating 10-15 times per set. Again, aim to do three sets of 10-15 repetitions each day for best results!
Pelvic floor exercises are a great way to improve both physical health and quality of life! They can help alleviate pain, discomfort, and even urinary incontinence while strengthening these important muscle groups in the process!
Start by identifying this muscle group followed by doing Kegel or bridging exercises three times per day for maximum results! So what are you waiting for? Get out there—start exercising those pelvic floors today!