Most people drink red wine for its delicious flavours, aroma and texture, all of which combine to create a
pleasurable experience. There is nothing quite as refreshing as the rich flavours in a glass of premium red wine. In
the past, people automatically assumed that all alcoholic beverages were bad for your health, but studies are
now proving this mentality wrong. However, drinking moderate amounts of red could actually prove beneficial to
your health.
Here we will take a look the top health benefits associated with red wine consumption.
According to numerous studies cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among men and women in
the UK. We have known for quite some time that heavy drinkers are placed at a greater risk for heart disease and
stroke, but studies have shown that “moderate” red wine drinkers actually have their chances reduced
Red wine contains a powerful antioxidant compound, resveratrol. This compound protects your heart and arteries
against the negative effects of saturated fat, which can help prevent cardiovascular disease.
Red wine consumption is directly linked to lower rates of blood clotting. As you may already know, a stroke
occurs when a blood clot is released and sent to the heart. Red wine has natural anti-clotting properties that help
prevent this from occurring.
High blood pressure is another common medical condition. High blood pressure or hypertension stresses the
organs while increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. The good news is that red wine is believed to fight
hypertension by promoting a healthy circulatory system.
Numerous studies have been done which reveal a direct correlation between red wine consumption and lower
rates of heart disease. People who drank red wine on a daily basis were less likely to suffer from heart disease
than people who did not drink red wine. Going back to the benefits mentioned above, red wine works to lower a
person’s risk of cardiovascular disease by regulating cholesterol levels and reducing blood clotting.
Grapes – and of course wine – contains high levels of beneficial organic antioxidant compounds known as
flavonoids. These antioxidants work to neutralize potentially damaging free radicals that roam throughout our
body. Free radicals are found in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, and even the beauty
products we use on our skin. Small amounts of free radicals will not cause any serious damage to our bodies, but
larger amounts are believed to cause early aging, illness and even increase the chance of developing certain
types of cancers.
A newer study suggests that the strong antioxidants of red wine can work against degenerative conditions like
Alzheimer’s, Type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Hand in hand with Alzheimer’s is memory loss, and a
study confirmed those who drank red wine had stronger memories than those who drank less or none at all.
One of the many health benefits associated with red wine is its ability to regulate cholesterol levels within the
body. Drinking just a single glass of red wine per day is known to lower “bad” cholesterol levels (LDL) while
simultaneously raising “good” cholesterol levels (HDL). While it is not going to prevent the onset of diabetes by
any means, regulating your blood sugar levels could help get your body back on track. The key thing to
remember is that your wine consumption needs to be in moderation. Too much red wine may have the opposite
effect by flooding your system with an excess of sugar, causing your glucose levels to spike.
Now for the million dollar question: how much red wine should I drink to reap these health benefits? Since wine
contains sugar and alcohol, it is important that it should be consumed in moderation. Drinking half a dozen
glasses on a daily basis will eventually take its toll on your body, negating all of these benefits. A “normal” serving
is approximately one glass daily for women or two glasses daily for men. But keep in mind that the health
benefits of drinking red wine may also be influenced by genetics, physical activity, smoking, social life and your