Newest medical studies show that proper exercise might be just as effective as medical drugs for some common
conditions, or even for more serious illnesses. The latest British study suggests that doctors should consider
prescribing exercise as well as medication, mostly for conditions like coronary heart disease, diabetes or stroke.
This comprehensive research stated that doctors had better chances of preventing death in patients recovering
from a heart failure or stroke by prescribing light fitness, instead of traditional medical drugs. Physical activity has
always had well-documented health benefits, and now the British research has also confirmed the benefits of
exercise for people who have diabetes or some kind of heart disease.
It is strongly advised for those seeking to treat long-term problems without months and months of expensive and
drug-based treatments to explore the possibilities of exercise. Just like physiotherapy or osteopathy, moderate
and proper exercise can be natural help for a wide range of conditions. Even with just 4-6 hours of exercise per
week, the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure or stroke lowers significantly. While light fitness is
also said to slow the aging of blood vessels, thus improving the blood flow all through the body.
One of the most important points of the study was to prove that exercise should be considered a viable
alternative to, or alongside, drug therapy. The study suggests that in case of certain conditions or during
rehabilitation, after stroke for example, exercise was proven to be just as effective as drugs, in terms on reducing
For stroke victims, the research swung tremendously in favour of exercise. Furthermore, while certain
drugs have serious side effects, muscle soreness might be the worst side effect of moderate exercise.
The researchers of the study have also suggested that clinical trials aimed at studying medical drugs'
effectiveness should from now on include exercise, to show whether a new drug offers more benefit than light
Although the study has not specified the kind of exercise that might be the best in case of heart failure, diabetes
or stroke, it highly encourages patients to consult their doctors about the possibilities. It also states that no
patient on drug-based treatment should ever give up on their medication for the sake of exercise, without
consulting their doctors first.