Physiotherapy ‑ the naturopath
- By Roza Ferenczi
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- 07 Feb, 2018
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Physical therapy or physiotherapy was established towards the end of the 19th century to treat patients of all ages the most
natural way possible. As a result, phisiotherapists now heal through movement and education, while avoiding any kind of
chemicals, drugs or surgery.
Physiotherapy is one of the modern-day alternative medicines, which plays a big role in the rehabilitation of patients suffering
from a wide range of conditions. It is also, without a doubt, the most used naturopathic treatment in sports medicine.
To understand the advantages and method of physiotherapy, first we have to know what exactly physiotherapy is.
Physiotherapy – the natural approach to healing
As it is stated by the Charted Society of Physiotherapy, physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is
affected by injury, illness or disability. However, as opposed to traditional medicine, physiotherapy advances the rehabilitation
of those seeking relief from pain and aches through movement and exercises, manual therapy, education and advice.
Physiotherapy is one of the modern naturopathic medicines. The term ‘naturpath’ was created from the Latin ‘naturo’ and
Greece ‘pathos’ words to suggest ‘natural healing’. These alternative medicines not only aim to heal without any surgery or
drugs, but also seek to prevent further illness and pain through stress reduction, education and changes to diet and lifestyle.
Although physiotherapy is not the only alternative medicine that has emerged the last decades, it is not to be put into the same
category as the less proven massage, homeopathy, acupuncture or chiropractic therapy.
Why is physiotherapy different from other alterna
It is a science-based profession, in oppose to other alternative treatments. Being a registered physiotherapist is a degreebased
health care profession that requires a 3-to-5-year education. Physiotherapists take a ‘whole person’ approach on
improving a wide range of conditions associated with different systems of the body.
Therefore physiotherapy in not solely based on physical treatment; one of its core advantages is the patient’s involvement.
Treatment includes the study and correction of the patient’s general lifestyle also. Therefore physiotherapists heal through
education, awareness and empowerment as well.
What is physiotherapy good for?
Physiotherapy is aimed to treat long-term problems without months and months of expensive and often drug-based
treatments. It can be natural help for a wide range of conditions. It can aid short-term and sudden injuries, but can also
manage long-term conditions such as back pain or asthma. Nevertheless, physiotherapy is proven to help preparing for childbirth just as effectively as it quickens the rehabilitation of sport-related injuries.
According to the official website of the Charted Society of Physiotherapy, the most common conditions treated by
physiotherapy are the following:
Neuro‑musculo‑skeletal conditions
Back, knee or neck pain, sports injuries and arthritis are the most common conditions that make patients seek the help of a
physiotherapist. In case of back, knee or neck pain, physiotherapists not only treat the symptoms, but also check out the
reason of the pain to prevent further problems. Physiotherapy is also proven effective to provide advice on exercise, pain relief
and ways to manage certain symptoms of arthritis.
For professional athletes it is very important to avoid illegal drugs and prohibited substances so in everyday life, as during
rehabilitation. Therefore physiotherapy, which provides a natural way to healing, is the most common and favourable approach
in sports medicine to treat injuries. World’s leading sports therapy-related website,, is offering a broad
selection of educational content, features and online shopping services linked to sports medicine, all provided by Chartered
Respiratory conditions
Physiotherapists can also help patients suffering from asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to manage
breathlessness, by teaching the appropriate positioning and breathing exercises. They will also give advice on how to pace
activities to improve the ability to carry out daily activities, such as cleaning or dressing that can be difficult for those suffering
from COPD.
Neurological conditions
Conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s are treated by physiotherapists to help the patient’s recovery.
Effective physiotherapeutic treatments can help the patients become as independent and mobile as possible. Exercises, as
part of the rehabilitation programme, can improve the chances of staying in employment and reduce the effect of these
illnesses on everyday life.
Cardiovascular conditions
Physiotherapeutic, cardiac rehabilitation programmes in case of chronic heart diseases or after a heart attack are exceedingly
effective. They include exercises to put the patients back on their feet, and the support and education to help their emotional
recovery, and the return to everyday life.
Be not afraid to turn to a physiotherapist
If suffering from any of the mentioned conditions, patients are strongly recommended to turn to a physiotherapist for the
chance of natural healing first, before choosing other, drug-based treatments. However, the above list is not exclusive.
Physiotherapy can be useful for many other illnesses and disabilities, and as all other science-based treatments, it is evolving
year after year looking for new ways to treat new conditions. So be not afraid to seek the help of your local physiotherapist.