Sleep is something that we all need, and the quality of sleep we get can have a great impact on our daily lives.
When we are well rested, we are usually more productive, nicer to be around, and generally better at handling the
challenges of the day.
We tend to think of our body as being a group of parts strung together. But this is a completely false approach.
Physiotherapy aims to enhance or restore function of multiple body systems. Professional physiotherapists are
committed to their patients’ health, lifestyle and quality of life. This holistic approach incorporates a broad range
of physical and physiological therapeutic interventions. In simple terms, your physiotherapist is a specialist
mechanic for the human body. A physiotherapist uses natural physical approaches to promote, maintain and
restore your well-being so that you can perform and enjoy your chosen sport, work or everyday activities.
Physiotherapists look at the body as a whole in order to determine why patients are not getting as restful a night
as they need. After asking questions to determine if there are any external factors such as stress or worry causing
sleep-issues, physiotherapists can examine you physically to make sure your posture is not hindering your rest.
Poor sleep can lead to stress, anxiety and depression. Improving your sleep can help with reducing pain,
reducing muscle tension, improving immune function, mood, energy and overall general health. It is a good idea
to develop a ‘sleep routine’––in the evenings you should start a consistent wind-down routine which can help you
fall asleep more quickly and reliably.
Exercise also helps with sleep, and your physiotherapist can work with you to develop a program to increase
your activity. Engaging in exercise under the advice of a physiotherapist has the added benefit of helping to work
out in a way that minimises the strain to your body, thus reducing the risk of injuries that could also disrupt your
sleep. For a restful night and a stress free day you could also try a few relaxation exercises as well. This is highly
recommended if you wake up during the night and can’t get back to sleep.
The possible reasons behind your back pain (
or lower back pain ( might be your
poor choice of mattress and pillow combination. Improving your sleep starts by choosing a bed that will support
your spine and body. Depending on your sleeping habits, your pillows also must provide adequate neck, spine or
shoulder support. Our qualified physiotherapist at Physio Medicine should be able to recommend pillows and
beds to fit your current needs and refer you to sleep specialists if necessary.
At Physio Medicine, it is our goal to provide you with the highest quality treatment, so you can return to the
activities you enjoy in life. We work with you in not only how to recover from your current injury, but also how to
prevent them in the future. During your first visit to Physio Medicine, your physiotherapist will do a thorough
assessment of your strength, flexibility, posture, joint integrity and movement patterns. We will then develop an
individualised treatment strategy that matches your personal goals and improves your overall well-being. Are you
looking for non-medicated way to improve the quality of your sleep? Why not pay a visit to our clinic and find out
how we can help you? Book your appointment (