Musculoskeletal health refers to the structures of your body that are connected to muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, and bones. Their health is affected by various variables, which can be generally classified as either external or internal. The internal health factors are our sexual orientation, age, height, and different genetic influences - these factors cannot be changed. Our external health indicators, however, can be modified. The external health factors we face are mostly related to our choices in life, including exercising, diet smoking, alcohol consumption,
and smoking consumption.
Through this blog, we want to highlight how crucial the choices we make in our lives are and how much impact they can have on our muscular-skeletal health.
The three major healthy lifestyle topics that need to be discussed include:
- Active lifestyle
- Weight loss and maintaining an appropriate weight
- To be a non-smoker
Healthy lifestyle:
A healthy lifestyle is vital to our well-being. Unfortunately, many people believe that exercise is damaging to their joints. But it's not! Studies have proven that you're less at risk of developing osteoarthritis in your knees and hips when you exercise regularly than someone who doesn't.
Regular exercise isn't just beneficial to joints but it significantly reduces the chance of developing other serious diseases.
What amount of exercising should you be performing? Recent guidelines suggest that one must be working out for 150 minutes per week. However, this could be integrated into your daily routine. So, don't be afraid.
Making time for exercise is feasible, regardless of how busy your life is. If you're interested in, improve your physical fitness but aren't sure where or where to begin, you can consult our pilates or
for advice, and we'll be more than happy to assist!
Maintaining an ideal weight:
There is no doubt that keeping a healthy weight is crucial for staying fit and healthy. A healthy diet not just ensures your body's musculoskeletal system gets the nutrition they require to remain healthy but can also lower your chance of developing chronic health issues, such as
heart disease and diabetes!
What are the most commonly-seen musculoskeletal health issues which being overweight can increase the incidence of? Hip osteoarthritis in the knee is the most prominent; however, being overweight can negatively impact most musculoskeletal problems!
With numerous musculoskeletal issues, weight loss can reduce pain and treat chronic musculoskeletal problems. Regularly exercising and eating a healthy diet helps keep an ideal weight.
Suppose you have trouble maintaining the weight you want. In that case, we highly suggest visiting one of our expert physiotherapists to develop a personalized and custom-designed exercise program, along with an in-depth approach to health and lifestyle advice to assist you in
getting fit.
For a person who is a smoker-free
It is well-known that smoking can have devastating consequences for our health and is a significant cause of heart, diabetes, and lung diseases. But, it's not as popular to know that there's a clear connection between muscle and joint pain and smoking cigarettes. The evidence
from research shows smoking cigarettes is a significant risk factor for nearly all types of pain, such as arthritis, back pain, and tendon pain.
If you're experiencing pain in your musculoskeletal system and inflammation, quitting smoking
could help in alleviating the symptoms!
Finding Support in Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle:
We hope to provide some new information that can help clarify the importance of our lifestyle choices affecting our musculoskeletal health, not just heart health. We all know the difficulties of altering our unhealthy lifestyle habits and preferences, but investing in your health can be a
significant improvement in your health and overall well-being.
We at Physio Medicine strive to provide sustainable solutions that enhance health and wellness by providing personalized and interconnected multidisciplinary services. We offer many benefits, including sports massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture and Pilates, etc.