More women than men suffer from pain, and the suffering usually takes longer for women. According to experts
the sensation of pain depends on a number of factors including our age, our current hormone level, and even the
place where we actually live. Although the perception of pain is highly subjective, it is a universal element of the
human experience. Everyone, at some point in their lives, experiences pain in one form or another.
Women are not just more exposed to pain, but they experience pain more times during their life (just think of
menstrual cramps or childbirth). These may culminate in severe stress situations or other irreversible effects.
If the pain lasts longer than six months, we call it chronic pain. Researches have shown that it can be linked to
several diseases like migraine, rheumatoid arthritis or irritable bowel syndrome. These are definitely more
common in women than men.
The hormone that controls women’s monthly cycle, estrogen, gets a lot of attention in women’s lives, but it is
actually a hormone that affects both men and women. Estrogen also plays an important role in determining how
sensitive a person is to pain. When our body makes too much or too little estrogen, it can create problems.
Until puberty, migraine affects both sexes equally. After the menarche there is an increasing prevalence of
migraine in women. This is why migraine is considered to be a predominantly female disorder.
A decline in estrogen levels is an important factor in triggering migraine in women, but researchers believe that it
might be the reason behind the lack of sexual desire, painful intercourse and many other menopausal symptoms
as well.
Several studies have shown that men and women respond differently to analgesic tablets. It can be explained by
genetic and hormonal differences, in addition to social and psychological factors. While women concentrate on
the emotional side of pain, men tend to focus on pain sensation itself. This is why women’s perception of pain is
much more intense and linked to negative emotions.
Researchers believe that Nordic people have higher pain tolerance due to cultural peculiarities, different
upbringing and the tendency to have an introverted type of personality. During their childhood they learn and
experience that feelings are rarely shared with others, and they don’t speak about their pain accordingly. On the
contrary, Mediterranean people are generally described as extroverts, outgoing and socially interactive. They
often feel the need to give voice to their physical and mental pain.
Pain is the most complex psychosomatic experience. The subjective nature of pain can be justified by its most
common symptom: the headache. Researches have shown that only 5% of headaches can be traced back to
organic causes, such as blood pressure fluctuations, metabolic problems or calcification of the cervical
vertebrae. 95% of headaches are typically psychosomatic in nature that is, psychological issues are hiding in the
background. According to experts, such headaches are typically caused by suppressed aggressive impulses,
anxiety or depression.
In addition to the well-known pain relief techniques, there are an increasing number of alternative therapies, such
as physiotherapy (,pilates( or acupuncture (
http://www.physiomedicine. (
http://www.physiomedicine. can trigger an endorphin release that raises the threshold
for pain. In case of chronic conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia or migraines, massage therapy may be a helpful
aid in managing pain. Receiving regular therapeutic massage reduces pain, anxiety, depression and encourages
At Physio Medicine, our professional therapists will work with you to create a wellness plan that can help you
address your gender specific pain. Let us ease your pain (