Sports injuries are quite common. Here is a typical scenario:
Take a person, any person, who does not have the time to do sports on a regular basis, because they work for a
living, and area professional. This person would like to get out, but simply does not have the time, commute is
too long, work is too hard, life is too demanding. And then Labor day weekend comes around, and old high
school buddy Joe says, “hey, wanna go toss the pigskin?”
This sounds like the best idea on earth, just what is needed! Activity that will refresh and replenish, moving
around in the open air, oh God, when do we start? Some rounds go down, pigskin is tossed, until Joe goes long,
our fictional person throws, and at that very moment the shoulder feels like it straight up exploded. He falls to the
ground, covered in a cold sweat feeling like its all over. The worst has happened: our fictional character has just
suffered a sports injury. In our previous scenario, we discussed what a sports injury is, and how to prevent it once
it occurs. In this article I would like to talk about what to do once you have a confirmed sports injury that you are
sure of, and what steps to take to get back on the right track.
Most likely it will be very obvious. A place that is not often used, like the connective tissue in the shoulder or
down under will be painful and you will have trouble moving the limbs around, and you will be sore and in pain. If
you feel that something is not as it was previously, is sticking out at a weird angle, is larger or a different shape
than it was before your physical exercise, than you have a sports injury.
There is not a lot you can do at home, unless you are a chiropractor or a masseuse, in which case you probably
do not need explaining. The first thing to do is to go to a physical therapist. Even if the pain is slight and nagging,
but you can live with it, you should go to a chiropractor, especially if you are above thirty, as it will be harder to
recover for those of us who are not teenagers anymore.
The reason the advice of a physical therapist is needed is because often enough the pain may feel like it is
coming from somewhere when in reality it is radiating from somewhere else. A good physical therapist will be
willing and able to help you in finding out where the pain is coming form, if it is related to bones, connective
tissue, muscles or ligaments, and then they will be able to help you find the right person to fix your problem. If it
is bone related,a chiropractor may be needed, if it is a muscle issue, you may need to see a masseuse, if the
connective tissue is hurt you may need physical therapy to recover. And a good physical therapist will spot what
you need, and provide it for you, aiding you on your path towards a quick and completely successful recovery.